The Gouri HP48 Collection S/SX/G/GX

Collection officiellement close - je ne touche plus à ma HP48.
Plus de 650 fichiers pour HP48, triés par catégories et avec indication de la compatibilité entre modèles de HP48.

More than 650 files for your HP48, sorted by categories, with compatibility specified between HP48 models.

Derrière cette page pourtant austère se cache ma collection complète de programmes pour HP48 (qu'est-ce qui est important ? le contenant ou le contenu ?). Une bonne proportion de ces programmes sont français. 
Des utilitaires, des jeux, etc... rassemblés par type et avec les compatibilités S/G indiquée. 

(Désolé je n'ai pas le temps de mettre à jour souvent.)

Despite this dull page, my full collection of HP48 programs is under the link below (and that's what's really important). It contains a lot of french stuff. 
Lots of utilities games, with compatibility between SX and GX... see below. 

Is it true that most of the high-speed games (with grey-levels graphics and smooth full-screen animations), the most spectacular demos, the fastest and most powerful tools and other programs are made by french people ? I let you tell me.

How to browse this archive:

Try these (very small selection, see in the directory itself):

[CLICK HERE] to visit everything.

Copy this archive:

You can even download the whole collection (thanks to Robert Prosperi for showing interest in it, done after that).

If you use information from this collection in another context, including incorporate/integrate into another collection, please give credit.

Example credit: "Obtained from Stéphane Gourichon's HP48 collection at"

Download all at once (compressed as tar.gz, 3.5 megabytes)

If you'd like to contact me : how to reach author.