%%HP: T(1)A(D)F(.); "----> BILLY v2.9 <---- HPdream strikes back with * BILLY * that is a little proggy that changes automatically some adresses of any object to fix it for the 48GX. Of course it doesn't work perfectly with all proggies but it's better than nothing... I would be very inte- rested by knowing which proggies are well converted...... --> Improvements of the version 2.0: Billy doesn't replace stu- pidily all recognized values but analyzes the containing of D0 and D1, acting however nibbles are load. So that something like: D0= 70000 ... D0= 050E ... D0= 01FC ... D0= FF ...would be properly converted for the GX. Loads to A and C are also considered. Billy 2.x is also very fast compared to the first version. --> Version 2.1 Recognizes flags-area and $7008C free zone. --> Version 2.2 Transcoding table ehanced... Also works with GOVLNG 0AD0B --> Version 2.3 Changes some EXTERNALs and especially those of the default $CONFIG done by LIBMAKER and $4F02F . --> Version 2.4 Breaks the stupid fa- shion of JMP 0AD04 brought by JB. --> Version 2.5 Works with any object on the stack. Also faster return to RPL. --> Version 2.6 Extended table. Doesnt confound operations with Rx with D0 loads. --> Version 2.7 Faster. Dx/Rx analyze improved and fixed. Doesn't deal with its own changes. --> Version 2.8 Dx/rotates disjoined. A=PC & C=PC skipped. --> Version 2.9+ Bugs with rotates detection fixed. NEWOB added. Release date: 25.10.93 --> How to use it ? - Put the code or lib- rary you wanna convert on the stack - Run CONVERT - Wait a while - After the screen turns on back, you got the converted object on the stack - If it was a library run CHKLIB (Very impo- rtant to avoid an in- valid data card !!!) - Enjoy ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ****** WARNING! ****** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some libraries can do a 'invalid data card' or 'memory lost' after a system reset, due to its $CONFIG . To avoid such problems, unlib it and replace the $CONFIG using External by a slow but working ':&: number of lib ATTACH' . Some prgs well conver- ted using Billy: Sathelp 1 & 2, IFFView Recover, SOS, FTL, QKernel, Supercar, The Explorer, Menumakr Truecolor, Phoenix, Diamonds, Columns, Solitaire, Miniarka, Tetris, Code+ ... ---> Getting in touch Minitel owners can contact all the french HP48 scene and down- load hot stuff on RTC-ONE at the follo- wing number on PARIS: (1) Otherwise you can get in touch with me by E-Mail: jedi@altern.com or jedi@ufrp5.com Short greetings-list: *HP: HPmaniac,HPrems, Voyager,Betsy,Atlas, Blam,HPrizona,Zapu, Newhpee,HPphenix,007JB Destroy HP,HP48Asm, The Master,Jylog,Amfo, CoolHP,HPwizard,Forban Leviathan,Blop,Hexa, Hbug,HPmad,HPGX,HPzero Hypothenuz,Gherkin, Genious,Deylone,Ernest CocoHP,Bouli,Boutros, Wood, Rico, FCX... Special waves to The Master and HPmaniac for some address and bug report. *ST:Overlanders, Reps, DNT-Crew,Diamond Dsgn, TSB,NLC,The Ultimate, Equinox,Hemoroids, Cybernetics, Extract, Sentry,DBA,Adrenaline, Synergy,Syndicate, Altern 8,TKU... *MEGAFUXX TO: MARTY alias CONCEPTOR See ya folxxxxxx !!!!!"